Tag Archives: near



As Salaam Wa Alaikum!

Today, I’m not writing a personal blog post… I’m reaching out, not only to the muslim ummah but to humanity. For me, this year has personally been great – yet it has been a terrible year for humanity. And as a person who feels things so deeply, I can’t just stand by as my heart is breaking for all those suffering around the world.

A quick google had me amazed, we’ve had over 200 terrorist incidents this year alone, the year isn’t over… Of those, almost 90% were by allegedly “Islamist” militant groups, such as the Taliban, Boko Haram, ISIS, etc; claiming to put things in order, misusing the word Jihad for their own agendas, giving the most peaceful religion a name it doesn’t deserve. I may not know everything about Islam, but I know enough to understand the difference of it’s true teachings and secular, cultural beliefs of those who don’t. I know that a religion that clearly states “Whosoever kills an innocent human being, it shall be as if he has killed all of mankind, and whosoever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he has saved the life of all of mankind.” (Al-Quran 5:32) doesn’t really condone all these murders or bombings or ridiculous suicide missions. *Note that it doesn’t say Muslims, it says human beings.

To my ummah who is suffering greatly under all this negative media – stay strong. Allah is with us and He says, “Verily, with every hardship comes ease.” (Al-Quran 94:6) I know it’s hard my brothers and sisters to lose the ones you love, your parents, spouses or children – but this world is temporary and we are never really sure of what Allah has written for us, that we will all eventually meet in Jannah. We can only pray that He takes us when we are cleansed of our sins and He is happy with us. Be steadfast in your prayers and continue to seek forgiveness for ourselves, our ummah and for those who are misguided. “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (Al-Quran 13:28) Find out the truth, don’t be discouraged with what these militant groups claim Islam to be. Don’t be angry, be informed. Our ummah is suffering due to lack of knowledge. We must ensure that the generation coming will not be the same – “Seeking of knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim” (Al-Tirmidhi #74). I don’t know what the answer to end all this suffering is, but I know it’s not revenge, it’s not honor killing, or anything else radical that will help, it’s mercy.


My beloved brothers and sisters, let us not point fingers at others, but at ourselves, for letting things get this far that lives of innocent children are lost. We are all human and we all have faults, but instead of picking on others faults, we should be encouraging them to be better Muslims, we should be open and understanding that we are not in a position to judge others, only ourselves. “Show forgiveness, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant.” (Al-Quran 7:199) Instead of fighting with each other due to our cultural differences, we should be uniting because of our religious similarities. We are #oneMuslim #oneUmmah #oneWorld. We should work towards bettering ourselves so that our ummah has wonderful people to turn when in trouble. Let us strive to be better Muslims, to be better humans, to be more tolerant of others, to let go of all the hate within ourselves and to be more forgiving and more merciful. “Indeed, the help of Allah is near.” (Al-Quran 2:214) May our ummah have patience and solidarity till it comes.

Prayers going out to the lives and dreams lost in:
#Sri Lanka
#Saudi Arabia
#United States
